
A lease or a rental agreement is a contract between a landlord and a tenant. It clearly defines the terms and expectations between the landlord and tenant within the duration of the renting period. A lease or rental agreement is a legal contract, meaning that either party can seek legal redress in case of a violation. For a lease to be effective, there are certain terms that it must contain. The following terms should get you started. 1. Names of All Adult Tenants Living on the Property Having the names of all the adult tenants living on the pr…

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Successful landlords in Maryland have one trait in common: great marketing skills. Great marketing and advertising ensure low vacancy rates which, in turn, means more profit. You may have the best property on the rental market, but prospective tenants may not know of its existence. As such, your job as a landlord is to use your rental property marketing skills to maximize your ROI. When you’re able to advertise your rental property well, you mainly benefit in two ways. The first is that you’re able to attract a large group of prospective tenant…

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Among a landlord’s most important decisions is to properly screen tenants. Once you get interest from your rental advertisement, choosing a great applicant is the key to a successful rental property. A perfect tenant contributes to business growth by paying the monthly rent on time and in full each month as well as complying with the conditions under the lease agreement. Finding long-term tenants will also help with your financial security as a landlord. Since choosing the right renter for your properties is so important, we advise that a Maryl…

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The best way to eliminate property vacancies when turning your home into a rental property, is to keep performing property improvements. You win by attracting new tenants and encouraging current tenants to renew their leases. Providing a refreshed look ensures that potential renters will always seek your property out. Remember to focus on tenants and their property desires. That said, be careful of overinvesting in renovations. Decide on the essentials and forget the inconsequential. No matter how aesthetically pleasing your property is, r…

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Considering moving to Maryland? When moving to a new place, excitement is often the first feeling to come up, but many people also experience some anxiety and nervousness. The team at McKenna & Vane Property Management, a leading management company in Maryland, is here to soothe all your worries. Our team has put together the top reasons for calling Maryland home.  Location Maryland’s location is one of its biggest advantages. Thanks to its central location on the East Coast, within an hour, residents living in Maryland are able to mak…

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