
A landlord oversees passing a move-out letter to their renters. Though it seems an undesirable task to perform, it’s an essential part of the role. It helps you minimize financial losses or complaints when a tenant fails to pay rent, commits massive property damage, other lease violations, or continues to create a public disturbance. Writing a move-out letter serves as protection when you encounter tenants that resist moving out at the end of their lease. You can state the move-out date and your expectation of the unit being returned to the sa…

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Choosing to be a real estate investor means a lot of skills, terminology, and statistics to become acquainted with. Thoroughly understanding the industry will give you a huge advantage while dealing with it. One of the many benefits cited of investing in real estate has to be its consistent appreciation in value. From your research, you have a basic understanding of what appreciation is; the increase in value of an asset. Do you know how it affects your assets in the long run? If not, don’t worry! The team from McKenna & Vane Property Man…

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New landlords may be trying to decide whether to invest in furnishing their rental units. As more niche markets have developed and want different things, it can be overwhelming to think about what to offer tenants when it comes to furnished or unfurnished rentals. In the past, it was sufficient for property owners to provide free utilities. But with the plethora of services available and evolving needs of the market, you want to offer a lot to tenants to attract them to your rental property. Tenants find renting out furnished properties conve…

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Staying near your rental home may be challenging for several reasons. Staying close to the house makes things easier, but long-distance landlording can be successful if you’re ready for its challenges. Investors can use advanced technologies and services to buy property everywhere and get the most out of their investments. If you've invested in property out of state, you must understand how to effectively manage them to meet your financial objectives. Let's look at how to become a successful long-distance landlord. Hire a Local Property Managem…

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Landlording can be anything but easy, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. Filling vacancies, screening tenants, collecting rent, and filing taxes, among many other things, can seem stressful and time-consuming. Be that as it may, this isn’t to say that being a landlord for the first time isn’t doable. It is, as long as you’ve armed yourself with the right skills and strategies. In today’s blog, we’ll walk you through 8 essential tips to become a successful first-time landlord. 1. Draft a Proper Lease Agreement Avoid handshake …

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